Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Anxiously Awaiting Tomorrow

So tomorrow is CJ's eye surgery at Children's Hospital. To give a little history, he has a misalignment in his eyes that needs corrected (lazy eye). He has had this since birth. It has become more and more pronounced as he became older, and so recently his pediatrician referred us to an ophthamologist. After meeting with the eye doctor, we discovered he has a 25 degree misalignment. The only way to correct this abnormality is through surgery on the eye muscle itself.

Dave and I are both a little nervous, although we feel he is in good hands. This doctor performs this surgery about 10-15 times a week, so that was encouraging news. It's about a 45 minute procedure. And coincidentally, my department manager here at work, who has a son only 1 day younger than CJ, has had eye surgery performed by this same doctor, so he walked me through a lot of what we will expect tomorrow. Unfortunately, his surgery is not until 1 pm, and he cannot eat anything beforehand. Dave is flipping out a little about this, and he called the nurse back at the surgery center, but there was nothing we could do about getting in any earlier. We can only hope everything will run smoothly tomorrow. My SIL is watching Andrew tomorrow, so we'll be able to giving CJ our undivided attention. Dave is running out today while he's at school to get him a new toy to bring with him to the hospital. As far as CJ is concerned, we have prepared him for it by giving him most of the information, although somewhat limited, about what is going to happen, and the only thing he was concerned about was making sure he can play at the "playplace" at the hospital. And get ice cream afterwards. We told him he can get whatever he wants. We have full intentions that it will be a McDonalds/ice cream/popsicle/major toy day as it is.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hoping for the absolute best for CJ and a speedy recovery. Thinking of you all...

11:25 AM

Blogger jim said...

Hey Kate,

We'll be thinking of you guys. I'm sure all we be fine.

Jim & Tara

11:48 AM

Blogger Christina said...

Oh boy, I can understand why you're worried! Surgery is never fun to face, especially when its your child. But Columbus Children's is one of the best hospitals, so I'm sure everything will go smoothly.

I'll be thinking of you tomorrow.

4:46 PM

Blogger Kate said...

Thanks to EVERYONE for such well wishes. Seems as though the day didn't go as expected, as I explain in today's post.

9:47 AM


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