Wednesday, February 28, 2007

My Swanky New Digs

So after several weeks of being stuck on this, the talented and spectacular, IzzyMom has helped me to get my new web banner up on my site! After designing the banner, I was like, “OK, now what do I do?” Because I have no formal training in writing code, I was literally at a dead end. So again my thanks to Izzy for helping this HTML dummy!

I realized from my last post, that I failed to state that I am actually very happy with myself and where I am in life (even though I am an admitted HTML dummy). Going through some of my posts, it sounds like I have little self-worth, but I actually do. And so even though your self-esteem can be dwarfed in the presence of Aunt Sue, my mother and I laugh about it. I know it’s no reflection on who I am and how successful of a person I am, I just enjoy getting a chuckle out of it all and can’t help but wonder if Angie herself knows that her mother is telling everyone her salary. And let me tell you, we are all not without flaws, because as gorgeous and rich as Angie is, she cheated on her drop-dead gorgeous husband several years ago not only once but twice, and has since re-married to a guy that I think has the personality of a doorknob. So no book can be judged by their cover, right? Aunt Sue was very quiet on the subject of Angie during those years….

And tomorrow is the Blog Exchange! I missed last month’s exchange and happy to make a return. My partner is Sassy, so make sure you visit me over there tomorrow.


Blogger Christina said...

Oh, thank goodness Izzy was able to help you! I really wanted to help, but I'm still trying to work out the learning curve on the new code (and I'm on the list for a redesign by Izzy, too).

I find that the people who come off as looking the most perfect in public usually have the most secrets to hide. And your story of your cousin is more proof that money can't buy happiness. When it comes down to it, I'd rather be poor and happy than rich and miserable, although rich and happy would be nice, too!

11:48 AM

Blogger soccer mom in denial said...

Great new look. Wow.

1:11 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very nice!

4:01 PM

Blogger Mayberry said...

It looks great! So glad you can finally show it off!

4:36 PM

Blogger Alex Elliot said...

I like the new banner! I'm in the process of getting one made.

9:44 PM

Blogger Damselfly said...

Looks great!

2:53 PM


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